Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Hey guys! I know it's been ages since I wrote something new on my blog,but I was enjoying my 3 and a half week long holidays back home in lovely Bratislava.Now that I am back in London, I can finally start focusing on more important stuff like uni,work,gym and my blog.(That's actually everything that fits into my schedule) I hope you had great holidays and crazy New Year's Eve and that you are all relaxed and ready to start next semester or work.

In upcoming weeks you can expect some interesting interviews that I did with my friends(one has spent her summer in India and the other one moved to Australia to start a new life.Both of them are very inspiring lovely girls and it will definitely be an entertaining reading)

Also I will try to get my boyfriend to work on the visual side of my blog as soon as possible.He is very lazy...(Why the hell did he study software engineering when he does not want to help me with my blog?)

You can also be expecting lot of art gallery reviews and fashion articles,since my flatmate is a very good fashion photographer.Check out his site here.

For now I will just say that I am very thankful for each one of you who read my blog regularly and I hope you will stick with me for a long time!

Have a nice week :)