Thursday, January 29, 2015


Hey guys
This is my first post so I will try to introduce myself as well as the whole idea behind starting a blog and tell you what you can expect from me from now on.
Even though I am an journalism student,English is not my mother language and therefore I might make little mistakes in grammar and spelling.Please be considerate.

My name is Dominika and I am 20 years old student at London Metropolitan University in London, studying journalism,film and T.V studies.I come from Slovakia,but I've recently moved to London to study those things that I'm so passionate about.First thing you need to know is,that being a student is amazing and therefore I enjoy every aspect of it.If you have the chance to go and study in foreign country,definitely do it because it has lots of benefits.

The whole idea behind starting my own blog is simple.At the beginning of academic year teachers told us to start a blog and write about anything we find interesting, or just use it as a diary.We are almost in half of may and I am just now publishing my blog.Why? At first I was scared that people are going to make fun of me,because so many people have blogs now and some of them are really pointless.For example people who only put selfies on it,or pictures of what they're wearing. I think there is a lot more to the art of blogging and so much more to accomplish than just fashion and beauty.(no offense, I like many fashion blogs as well) The other thing was,who is going to read it? And what if nobody is going to like it? But now when I think about it,I really like writing.I have been writing fiction stories as well as those based on real things that happened to me since I was 15.I like writing poems as well and I enjoy reading good books.So after telling myself all the reasons why I should not pick up blogging,I simply asked myself Why not? And here I am,siting in school library on quite a sunny day,supposed to be writing essay about the general elections in UK.
If I wrote so many words in the essay instead of here,life would be much more easier,but whatever.

Because I don't want to focus on only one field,like for example fashion or fitness,this blog is going to carry multiple functions.I want to write about travelling,either it is around London area or travelling in general.Some of the posts are not necessary going to be about me,but hopefully the way I will present them is going to be interesting.You can expect posts about fashion and lifestyle,animals,gardening and D.I.Y tips as well as interviews,restaurant and bar/clubs reviews,posts about music and because summer is coming also about music festivals which I love.Hopefully now at the end of academic year I will have time to write a lot more and also to spend time on doing design on my blog because I have no clue how to do what at the moment.
If you don't like something or have an idea for me for what to write about, simply leave comments.
You can also follow me on instagram @dominnie or on twitter @DominikaKubiny but I usually use twitter for getting material for assignments in school only.
Enjoy :)

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