Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Magic hair

Sorry for not posting anything since I came back home from London,but I was really busy cathing up with my family,friends and the city itself.
Because the weather is perfect down here I also spent a lot of time catching up with my beloved sun that I missed so much in London.All this tanning and swimming turned my body into a little less pale but still pretty pale,fat dolphin.Yeah I know I promised myself I was gonna start going to gym at the begining of June,but the weather made it totally impossible to happen.That is because I take every little chance to spend the day outside.On the other hand,this "gym procrastinating thing" has its benefits.One of them is,that the sun has been doing its magic on my hair and it turned it into lighter colour.Now they finally look beachy as I want them to be.

Even though you can find many shades of blond colour in my hair and it has always been like this,I wanted to make them a little bit more light.The thing is,that I have never dyed my hair and I never will because it would totally damage them and also I would never be able to get the original colour back.That's why I decided to get ombre.

I did it myself for the first time in my life so it's not perfect,but because the colour only covers half of my hair,I can always cut it or change it.
I don't remember what brand was the hair colour,but I got it in Boots (UK) and it came with special brush to brush the colour into your hair (very easy to use :) )
Anyway,If you want to help to make your hair lighter, I recommend Bleach London silver shampoos.Unfortunately they might be little bit hard to get but Im sure they also ship them worldwide.

A cheaper alternative can be Schauma for grey hair.I was using it before I found Bleach London,but it takes quite a while to see the results.

The best thing to do is to combine these shampoos with the normal ones and be on the sun at least few hours every day.
Of course sun can be pretty dangerous for your hair,so if you want to avoid having dry,damaged and non-shiny hair,I highly recommend these L'oreal products:

this one is my total favourite:

Hair masks are also very good possibility to repair and nourish your hair and most of them are pretty cheap.I've recently tried ORS Olive Oil mask and it worked fantastically!

Anyway,If you don't want to spend money on hair masks and balms, home made olive oil mask or coconut oil are very good alternatives.
Home made olive oil mask is really easy to make,you only need 5-7 tablespoons of olive oil and two eggs which you mix together and apply to your hair.Wait 15 minutes and then rins it thoroughly.
If you decide to use coconut oil(my new obsession),just apply 2 teaspoons to wet hair using your hands and be careful to put the same amount on the entire lenght of the hair.

I hope this post was useful and I will definitely be adding more about beauty products in near future.

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