First thing you notice about London are the high prices.Expensive
food,drinks,accommodation,transport,parties,clothes- literally everything.That really makes me miss Bratislava in which I can go out at night with 10 euro in my wallet,get drunk,go to a party,eat and get home safe.Hopefully next year I will get a job in London so I can spend more and whine less.
With so many people rushing to work/school every morning and getting home every evening it is almost impossible to not get squashed between people on the tube.Sometimes in the mornings I let 3 trains pass just because they are full of people.Also it is worth to mention how hot it is on the underground,so even when it's minus 20 degrees outside, you are probably sweating like a pig on the train.Buses are not the best option either because they are usually stuck in traffic forever.
I don't know it it's just me, but my hair literally suffers from the hard water they have here in London.I have to wash my hair every other day because it gets dirty really quickly,while in Slovakia I can go for 4 days without washing it.Also the water makes my hair fall out and I feel like I am going to get bold pretty soon.
4.slow wifi
It was few months ago when somebody told me that Britain was placed very poorly in chart of the fastest internet in the world.Wikipedia says that it is on the 17th place,which is pretty bad already but I think it might be even higher number.I never experienced big problems with the wifi here, but I can tell that back home my internet is much faster.

Even though London looks so nice and all the parks are neat and clean, finding a mouse in your room is no big surprise.It happened to me and my friend once, that we found a mouse behind her bed.Unfortunately while we were trying to move the bed,we squashed it a little bit so she couldn't run away from us and because we didn't know what to do with it,I had to take this little retarded looking mouse outside and let it die on the grass.(fnuk) I know mice and rats are pretty common in London,mostly because of all the canals that are flowing through the city, so I won't be surprised if I will meet some more in the future.Also "beautiful" habit that London residents have is to take out the trash and leave it in bags in front of the buildings at the street.You can see this for example at Oxford Street.
6.too many people
Too many people means waiting and waiting makes me really angry.Also people are always pushing into to you,standing in your way,walking next to you,THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!I don't even remember when was the last time I walked on an empty street.
7. tourists

Not only that it's always full of people,buying super cheap stuff that's gonna last them for 2 weeks,but the clothes is literally everywhere on the floor,people step on it and walk on it.Everybody is pushing you and pulling you further in the store.It's horrible.Spongbob themed pyjamas and fake Paul Frank slippers-Hell.
9."Chicken shops"
These are owned by muslims and turks and are almost everywhere you look.Most of them still remain in East London and they are usually called HFC,PFC,FFC or anything that ends with FC.They are great when you are super wasted and really need something nasty to eat for low price,but I think they could be replaced by some pubs or shops instead.I don't feel very safe buying chicken nuggets with fries and drink for 1.99 either.
This was just some stuff that I really don't enjoy about living in London.I actually thought it's going to be more than 9 things,but I couldn't even think of number 10 so basically life in London isn't that bad as I thought haha.Also these were just some of my opinions,someone else could feel completely different about these things.
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