Sunday, May 31, 2015

9 things I hate about London

There exist moments,when I can't wait to go home to Slovakia,moments when I'd rather die than live in this city.Of course when It was only few days until I was going back home for summer holidays,all I could think of was how much I miss everything- my bed,boyfriend,our flat,low prices and my mom's food.Therefore one day when I was going home to my flat in London,I counted all the things I hated about living here and I decided to put them together to one article.I bet there is many similiar articles on the internet,but this is all taken from my point of view.Enjoy.

First thing you notice about London are the high prices.Expensive
food,drinks,accommodation,transport,parties,clothes- literally everything.That really makes me miss Bratislava in which I can go out at night with 10 euro in my wallet,get drunk,go to a party,eat and get home safe.Hopefully next year I will get a job in London so I can spend more and whine less.



With so many people rushing to work/school every morning and getting home every evening it is almost impossible to not get squashed between people on the tube.Sometimes in the mornings I let 3 trains pass just because they are full of people.Also it is worth to mention how hot it is on the underground,so even when it's minus 20 degrees outside, you are probably sweating like a pig on the train.Buses are not the best option either because they are usually stuck in traffic forever.

I don't know it it's just me, but my hair literally suffers from the hard water they have here in London.I have to wash my hair every other day because it gets dirty really quickly,while in Slovakia I can go for 4 days without washing it.Also the water makes my hair fall out and I feel like I am going to get bold pretty soon.



                                                                                    4.slow wifi
It was few months ago when somebody told me that Britain was placed very poorly in chart of the fastest internet in the world.Wikipedia says that it is on the 17th place,which is pretty bad already but I think it might be even higher number.I never experienced big problems with the wifi here, but I can tell that back home my internet is much faster.

Even though London looks so nice and all the parks are neat and clean, finding a mouse in your room is no big surprise.It happened to me and my friend once, that we found a mouse behind her bed.Unfortunately while we were trying to move the bed,we squashed it a little bit so she couldn't run away from us and because we didn't know what to do with it,I had to take this little retarded looking mouse outside and let it die on the grass.(fnuk) I know mice and rats are pretty common in London,mostly because of all the canals that are flowing through the city, so I won't be surprised if I will meet some more in the future.Also "beautiful" habit that London residents have is to take out the trash and leave it in bags in front of the buildings at the street.You can see this for example at Oxford Street.

                                                                                    6.too many people
Too many people means waiting and waiting makes me really angry.Also people are always pushing into to you,standing in your way,walking next to you,THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!I don't even remember when was the last time I walked on an empty street.

                                                                                   7. tourists
If you've ever been to London I am pretty sure you understand.They push the button on the train doors in the tube,thinking that maybe if they push it 5 more times,it will finally open.NO.IT WON'T HELP IT.They casually stop in the middle of walking to take pictures of some pointless building so if you are staring at your phone it is pretty predictable that you will bump into them and look like a fucking idiot.They block all the space at the tube stations and if you are heading to Oxford street at the weekend,thinking that you will peacefully shop for things you need,you are wrong because the shops are full and you are most likely not able to get to the dressing room.

Not only that it's always full of people,buying super cheap stuff that's gonna last them for 2 weeks,but the clothes is literally everywhere on the floor,people step on it and walk on it.Everybody is pushing you and pulling you further in the store.It's horrible.Spongbob themed pyjamas and fake Paul Frank slippers-Hell.

                                                                                    9."Chicken shops"
These are owned by muslims and turks and are almost everywhere you look.Most of them still remain in East London and they are usually called HFC,PFC,FFC or anything that ends with FC.They are great when you are super wasted and really need something nasty to eat for low price,but I think they could be replaced by some pubs or shops instead.I don't feel very safe buying chicken nuggets with fries and drink for 1.99 either.

This was just some stuff that I really don't enjoy about living in London.I actually thought it's going to be more than 9 things,but I couldn't even think of number 10 so basically life in London isn't that bad as I thought haha.Also these were just some of my opinions,someone else could feel completely different about these things.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Trip to Brighton

Can' believe I finally got to the stage of writing the story about Brighton.Because my laptop charger broke last week and getting a new one in London is fuc*ing expensive, I didn't even have a chance to go through all the pictures I took and get stuff done,therefore I am doing it now.
Because the classes finished last week and we had nothing to do,other than laying around at my friends's flat and drinking wine every day,we decided to take a little trip to Brighton.
For those who never heard of Brighton,it is a small town on the south coast of England with population of around 163,000 inhabitants.It is famous for its pier with roundabouts and stands,Brighton wheel and the beach.Me and my friends were planning this trip for at least 3 weeks and when we finally managed to agree on the day and the time,we were already really excited to get out of London for a day.The weather could have been better,but that's the shitty thing about UK,that weather changes so quickly that you can never predict it.Also it was bank holiday that day and they were doing some improvement works at the tube stations which we didn't know about so we had to run multiple times and wait for like 3 different services to get to the train station at London Bridge.
When we arrived to Brighton after 1 hour,it was quite sunny and warm so at least something..but the city itself disappointed me.Of course I had no idea it was that small and there was almost nothing to do other than going to the beach or bars to get beer/coffee and I thought it will have some nice architecture and nice old buildings at least.The truth is,there are gardens and Royal Pavilion,which unfortunately we didn't go to, so if you want to see more,check out those.Our whole purpose of traveling here was to relax and chill so I am not even mad I haven't seen that much of the city as I could.We passed the center in 15 minutes,nothing special I have to say,just some really cute narrow streets.

We ate at Spoons which is almost everywhere in UK I think, so I got a burger again (hello summer body)

After that we went to the beach which was pretty crowded and windy but still,it was a BEACH.That's the only reason people come to Brighton I think,because of the beach and nice pubs,and the pier of course.

There is a lot of stands with seafood,fish and chips and souvenirs.Some of them look really nice.

Even though it was really windy and kind of cold at the pier,we spent there almost 2 hours drinking beer and playing games.Unfortunately it was too chill for the roundabouts but it looked very nice.

We stopped in few pubs and coffee shops by the sea walk and chilled and enjoyed the nice view.I definitely have to come back in summer,because it can be much more fun when it's warm outside.Also it is a great place for surfers and those who like to look at them :P

After all I can say it was a successful trip to the sea side and we all enjoyed it.(even though we spent half of the time drinking beer in different pubs haha) Next time I am planning to go to Bristol,mainly because the SKINS were shot there :D but that's not going to happen till October so no more trips around England for a while.Oh and pls,if you know about some really nice places in England that are worth to visit,let me know :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bob's Burgers

One day I was casually watching Bob's burgers when idea about next blog post came to my mind.Burgers.(I started watching it because tumblr is full of funny images from Bob's burgers and therefore I thought it's going to be hilarious,but not really.First season was pretty good but then it started going on my nerves,mostly because the characters have really annoying voices.Anyway,if you wanna watch it and try if you like it here's a link : back to burgers.
There is so many places in London to get great burgers and I've only visited like 4 of them,so I will be adding reviews later.
I've never really liked burgers before,never ate them,never liked how they looked and I couldn't imagine the taste of sweet buns with salty meat and everything,but when I moved to London and me and my mom went to a restaurant it seemed like a great idea to finally try one.
We went to Byron's and I don't even remember now which one I got,but it was delicious.

Of course nothing compares to having a nice burger in typical british pub,so when me and my friends went for a beer to The Half Moon and they told me the burger is only 7 pounds with alcoholic drink,I didn't hesitate a minute and got one.For me it was one of the best burgers I've ever tried,but as I said,I haven't tried many.

The third one is famous burger from Five Guys which unfortunately I haven't tried while I was in America(stupid me) but waited until I got to London and spent 10 pounds on it.In one sentence : IT WAS WORTH IT.
I got double bacon cheeseburger so it comes with 2 beef patties,bacon,cheese and then you can add whatever you want inside for free.The "small" portion of spicy fries was enough for me and my friend.We couldn't even finish it and trust me,we were really hungry.
Mine was around 10 pounds,but you can get regular hamburger for just 6.75.

Anyway,my boyfriend makes really good home-made burgers which are one of the things I am looking forward the most when I'll go home at the end of this month.Hehe.I will post the recipe of his burgers as well as the pics of preparation in next few weeks so you can try to make it at home. :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Boho girls

My biggest dream is to live in Hawaii,Australia or California,take cool pictures,swim in the ocean,learn to surf,write for a magazine and live a happy summery life.Really,I could stand 40 degrees weather every day If I lived close to ocean and hopefully one day I will be able to.
Here are some of my girl crushes and inspirations that motivate me to chase my dreams.

Gypsyone - Jenah Yamamoto is a photographer and traveller based in Hawaii.Im pretty sure most of you have seen her pictures already and because I have a girl crush on her and on her pictures,she is the number one inspiration for me.Basically she's living the dream life that every girl would want to live and her body is AMAZING!
If you don't follow her,do so now @gypsyone on IG or on tumblr.

Another girl from Hawaii that I follow on instagram and Im totally obssesed about is Mahina Alexander.She looks like angel,her body is amazing and she is only about 19 years old,I think.She does modeling for surfing magazines,vans and rvca womens so all the brands that I like and I can't get enough of her!

IG @mahinaalexander

I wanted to post another Hawaiian girl, but because I follow so many of them and I don't remember their instagram names I couldn't find THE ONE I was looking for.Therefore Im posting Alexis Ren,which travells with her boyfriend and gets paid for it because they take cool pics and videos.(If you haven't seen their latest video and you are about to do it now,don't cry.I know,their life is pretty much perfect.) Her body again- amazing and the pictures make me wanna move to Australia/Hawaii/Cali and start a new life.
Hopefully one day I will be able to travel to warm countries and write for some lifestyle magazine or National Geographic.


her IG is @alexisreneg and make sure you also follow her boyfriend @jayalvarez

Here is the video he made with her  :

Because a really good friend of mine recently moved to Australia,Im planning on doing a little interview with her about her new life experiences as well as publishing some of the pictures she took.This week I am also going to interview my friend Paula who spent few months in India and it's going to be really interesting!Stay tunned

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Saatchi Gallery

Me and my friend recently visited Saatchi Gallery which is located near Sloane Square in South Kensington.I am really happy she showed me this place because I've never heard of it before and the art there is totally amazing!
Saatchi Gallery is a gallery of contemporary art,usually showing artworks of young artists that were never showed before,(or at least not in UK) and because many of the artists were unknown before these exhibitions,it is also a good way for them to get noticed by many people and art collectors.

If you are tired of visiting the same galleries over and over again and you don't want to pay extra money for exhibitions,definitely go here.

Here are some pictures I took:

You can see that the art were usually paintings and sculptures but also lots of differently decorated and themed rooms,for example the one with disco ball,or interesting shop windows  and also photographs which unfortunately,I didn't take many pictures of.
I will be adding more posts and gallery/museum tips soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


First post is dedicated to one of my favorite places in London which is Camden Town.
It is situated in the North London area and it is a place with the biggest weed appearance in town.Okay this probably ain't true but it was the very first thing I noticed when I got out of tube station.
Camden is an alternative part of the London city with lot of shops that sell clothes,music,accessories,souvenirs and food.

Also there is a wide range of world's cousines and the sellers will always offer you a bite of their food for free so you can decide if you want to buy something from them or not.
Personally I like chinese food the most but you can get almost anything from burgers,chinese,thai food,italian cousine,churos and waffles and organic food as well.
I always buy mine at the beginning of Camden Town because I am usually so hungry that I can't wait to eat but there is so many types of food to explore, you will want to wait.Prices aren't bad either as they are starting at 3 pounds per a meal.(usually chinese)

In the stores and salesman stands you can buy lot of cool stuff like these sunglases I got there.I also bought there a lot of accessories such as rings, piercings and stuff I won't ever wear.The coolest thing about this place is, that there is a lot of vintage and original shops that sell stuff you would't find anywhere else.

One of the most interesting stores you can find in Camden Town is Cyber Dog .It is a store with "rave clothes" and rave accessories as well as other party stuff.There is always some house or techno music playing really loud in the background and there is lot of neon lights every where you look. Sometimes you can see dancers dancing above your head in tiny little clothes that look like from space.Although photography in Cyber Dog is prohibited, I managed to take some photos,even though not a good quality.If you are a party freak,definitely go there and buy something cool for yourself or for your friend.The only unfortunate thing are the prices which with some items become to be very high.

The thing I really love in Camden is chilling by the canal.If you buy food and you don't know where to eat it in peace without tourists and people always bumping into you,definitely go sit on the ground by the water.You can sometimes see boats passing by and feed the ducks and swans.

dogs in Camden are cool too :P

I will be adding more pictures and posts about Camden Town in future,because it is a place I go every time when my friends or family come to visit me.Also sorry for the quality of pictures,they were all taken on my iphone 5 but I will definitely get my camera next time and make better ones.
If you are in London and you decide to visit Camden,just take the northern (black) line from anywhere and get off at Camden Town station,it's right there.